My 2001 Journal...View previous Journals:
June 16, 2001 This afternoon I have a radio interview with Mary Barretta of "the Money Pitt" for about 20 minutes or so. Should be very interesting - much better on my nerves than the TV shoot last year. I have been given kind approval to have a copy of the interview on my site, which I will post when it becomes available. Thanks Mary! I will talk about the interview after it's over - stay tuned! A brief crawl around my route today... found some hard cover books to replace some I lost in a flood last year - Ludlum and James Patterson mostly - $2 each, which is a perfect price for them. They are in excellent condition, and I am very pleased. Finished my book today, and will have the final paperwork done some time over the summer, hopefully by August.
May 3, 2001
April 1, 2001 Just cleaning up a bit, moving things around. The article for Woman's Day Magazine is due out in May, so I think I'm going to redo the site pretty soon, pretty it up a bit. Any suggestions? Today I added a new page on how different countries handle the Garagesale Phenomenon. I had considered this previously, but never found the time. This was prompted by a nice email I received from Pamela just this morning. I'm interested in hearing from you if you live in a country that handles garagesales differently than how I have things laid out on this website. Email me at http://www.garagesale-guru.com/gurucontact.html with your description, and please be sure to indicate that I am free to use your email and edit it as required. I will credit it with your first name and the date submitted. Thanks!
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