Cleaning Other MetalsMetals other than what was covered in the other sections would either require basic scrubbing, or severe chemical attention. I don't think I'll advise going the dangerous route, so I'll briefly suggest a few maintenace ideas I've come across or come up with in my travels. Metal Sheds: Using hot soapy water and a scrub brush, scrub the entire surface of the shed or metal structure. You may also use a stiff broom to reach higher areas. After scrubbing, rinse well. I've heard you can apply car wax to some sheds, to protect them. Neat idea, eh? Otherwise a rust-proof paint should be applied over non-treated metal to prevent rusting. Tools: Same method as above, (generally except for the paint), and a light oil applied to them afterwards will retard rusting. Also, storing clippers and other sharp tools point-down in a bucket of dry sand is apparently a good way to keep them sharp, and rust free. LOTS more information and ideas to be found in the book! The Common Sense Approach to Garage Sales is about to go to print! Reserve YOUR copy today! (no charge to reserve, and you will be notified by email when orders are being taken)
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