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Ink on Wood

Ink on your wooden pieces can be easy to remove, or a lesson in futility! If the piece is protected by a wax finish, it may be easily blotted up. However, if ink is spilled on a worn out or damaged finish, it could/will penetrate deep into the wood and become almost impossible to remove.


Blot the spot immediately before the ink has a chance to sink in. Clean the surface using a cream wax or damp cloth. Don't rub! Keep turning the cloth so that only clean areas blot the stain (to avoid smearing the ink). If this doesn't do the trick, use rottenstone and oil as for alcohol stains.

If stain remains, there is a commercial bleaching agent containing Oxalic acid (which is very poisonous) available on the market that may be used. Consult a professional before use.

LOTS of wood care and repair information and ideas to be found in the book! The Common Sense Approach to Garage Sales is about to go to print! Reserve YOUR copy today! (no charge to reserve, and you will be notified by email when orders are being taken)

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